Pumping Up: 5 Easy Exercises for a Vigorous Start to the Day


Pumping Up: 5 Easy Exercises for a Vigorous Start to the Day. Stretch your stiff body and refresh your head.

If your body doesn’t want to turn on in the morning until your first cup of coffee, try this five-minute warm-up. It will warm up your muscles and clear your head of fog. You can also use this complex to prepare your body for the main load.

How to perform the workout

The complex includes the following elements:

  • “Bear” passage.
  • Body rotations on one knee.
  • Deep lunge crunches .
  • Shifting from foot to foot.
  • Diagonal stretch.

Set a timer and do each exercise for a minute. Do everything smoothly, do not try to increase the range of motion with jerks.

How to do exercises

1. “Bear” passage

This simple exercise will warm up the muscles of the entire body well: it will load the arms, legs, and core muscles.

Get on all fours, then lift your knees off the floor, keeping your legs bent at a right angle. Move on your palms and the balls of your feet.

Don’t pull your shoulders up to your ears, spread your shoulder blades. And make sure your lower back doesn’t sag, keep your abs tight.

2. Torso rotations on one knee

Lunge back with your right leg and drop to one knee. Turn your body to the left and touch the heel of your back leg with your left hand. Then do the same on the other side: turn to the right and touch your foot with your right hand.

Rise up from the lunge, step forward with your right foot, drop to your knee and repeat the torso rotations.

3. Deep Lunge Crunches

Drop into a deep lunge with your right leg, placing your palms on the floor. Turn to the right and place your left hip on the floor. Make sure your chest and shoulders are turned to the side. Try not to bend the knee of your back leg.

Return to a deep lunge, bring your legs together and repeat on the other side.

4. Shifting from foot to foot

Place your feet twice as wide as your shoulders and lower yourself into a squat. Shift your weight onto your right leg, bending it at the knee. Straighten your left leg. Use your shoulder to push your bent knee to the side, opening your hips.

Then smoothly move to the other leg and hold this position for a few seconds, pushing through your knee. Continue shifting your weight from one leg to the other for the rest of the interval.

5. Diagonal stretch

Lower yourself into a deep squat . Your back should be straight and your heels should be pressed to the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and hold them close to your chest.

Raise up slightly, stepping your left leg out to the side to go into a lunge. Bend your torso, point your chest toward the floor, and reach your left arm forward. Look down, and keep your other arm bent next to your body.

Feel the stretch in your side. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then lower back into a squat and repeat on the other side.

How do you like the complex? Tell us in the comments.


Pump Up: An Outdoor Workout That Will Give Your Legs and Abs.

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