Kettlebell Workout: 4 Simple But Effective Exercises For Weight Loss


Kettlebell Workout: 4 Simple But Effective Exercises For Weight Loss. You will burn calories intensively both during and after the workout.

Intensive exercise increases calorie expenditure and helps to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas faster. And strength training promotes muscle growth and increases energy expenditure after exercise.

In our complex, these two types of loads are combined, and all this is performed in an intensive interval format. But the movements are quite simple – so that any beginner can cope with them.

How to perform the workout

The complex consists of four exercises:

  • Push-ups and single-leg deadlifts.
  • Kettlebell swings to the collarbone.
  • Pull-downs and thrusters.
  • Replacing the kettlebell in a lying position.

Do each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for the remainder of the minute, and then move on to the next one. After completing one circuit, rest for 60 seconds and start again. Do five circuits.

Select the weight of the kettlebell so that you can perform swings for 40 seconds without a break.

How to do exercises

Push-ups and single leg deadlifts

Get into a push-up position with your hands on the weights and do a push-up. Then jump up and bring your feet closer to the weights, with your right foot between them and your left foot slightly behind. Most of your body weight should be on the front foot—the other foot is just there to support your balance.

Grab the weights by the handles, straighten your back and bend at the hips, performing a deadlift. Return the weights to the floor and jump into a push-up position.

Repeat the same, but this time perform the deadlift with your left leg in front. Alternate sides every other time.

Kettlebell swings to the collarbone

Place the kettlebell between your legs, bend over with a straight back, slightly bending your knees, and grab the handle. Move the weight further between your legs for a swing, then sharply straighten your hips, sending the kettlebell forward.

When it reaches the collarbone level, let it fall back along the same trajectory and bring it back between your legs. Continue swinging , using the momentum of the swing.

Try not to strain your arms or bend your knees too much: the acceleration of the kettlebell gives a sharp extension in the hip joints. You can additionally strain your gluteal muscles to feel the movement.

Abdominal Pulls and Thrusters

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place the kettlebell next to your right foot. Bend over with a straight back until your body is parallel to the floor, grab the weight by the handle and pull it toward your stomach. Try not to lift your shoulder, lower your shoulder blades and keep your body tense.

Straighten your arm at the elbow, then throw the weight onto your chest, perform a squat, and when you come out of it, press the weight up until your arm is fully straightened. Lower the weight onto your chest again and return it to the floor.

Repeat the exercise with the other hand. Alternate sides every other time.

Kettlebell shift in lying position

Get into a push-up position with the kettlebell to the right of your body, at about shoulder level. Tighten your abs and glutes, and make sure your lower back doesn’t sag.

Lift your left palm off the floor, grab the kettlebell and move it across the floor so that the projectile is on the left side of your body. Return your hand to the floor and then repeat the same on the other side: lift your right hand off the floor and move the kettlebell to its original position.

Continue in the same manner without releasing the tension in your abdominal muscles.

Share your impressions of the training. Which exercise seemed the most difficult?


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