Kettlebell training will help you properly load your entire body


Pumping: Kettlebell training will help you properly load your entire body. And all this – at home.

This routine includes exercises to pump up the muscles of the whole body, as well as unilateral movements to develop balance and coordination. All you need to do it is one kettlebell and some free space.

How to perform the workout

The workout includes the following movements:

  • Burpee with a jerk.
  • Circular swings and press.
  • Thrusters.
  • One-arm kettlebell push-ups with shoulder touch.
  • Kettlebell boat press.

Perform each movement 8-12 times. If the exercise is unilateral, do this number of repetitions for each arm. Rest a little and move on to the next movement. When you finish the last one, start again – you need to complete three circles in total.

How to do exercises

Burpee with a jerk

Get into a push-up position with one hand on the kettlebell , bend your elbows and lower yourself down, touching the floor with your chest and hips. Lift your body off the surface, jump up with your legs and straighten up.

Lift the kettlebell off the floor, swing it between your legs and sharply straighten your hips, simultaneously sending the weight up. Straighten your arm completely and lock the position. Then lower the kettlebell back to the floor and repeat the exercise.

Circular swings and presses

Take the kettlebell to your chest. Turn your body and lower the weight and let it move along a semicircular trajectory, simultaneously turning your body in the other direction. At the end of its movement, take the kettlebell to your chest again and turn and press the weight up. Return to the starting position and repeat.


Take the kettlebell to your chest and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower. Try to keep your back straight. Straighten your legs and in one movement press the kettlebell up until your arm is fully straightened. Lower the weight back to your chest and repeat.

One Arm Kettlebell Shoulder Tap Push Ups

Get into a push-up position with one hand on the kettlebell. Do a push-up, and as you come up, lift your palm off the floor and touch it to your opposite shoulder. Return your hand to the floor and repeat. Make sure your body stays straight: your lower back doesn’t bend, and your shoulders don’t tilt to one side.

Kettlebell boat press

Lie on your back, hold the kettlebell in both hands and hold it in front of your chest. Lift your straight legs and shoulder blades off the floor. Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly to the floor. Press the kettlebell up, keeping tension in your abdominal muscles.


Pumping: Just 3 Moves for Strong and Beautiful Abs

Pump Up: 30-Minute Workout to Lose Weight and Build Endurance. 

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