This is how one-sided training makes you fit all round.


This is how one-sided training makes you fit all round. Training one-sidedly is nonsense? Not if you do it right. How to strengthen your whole body with unilateral training. 

US trainer Jay T. Maryniak always gets frowns from other gym-goers when he grabs the heavily loaded barbell , lies down on the floor with it and stretches it up in the air with just one arm. But the Instagram star ( @JTM_Fit ) has long since gotten used to the strange looks .

What is unilateral training?

This type of workout, in which only one side of the body is stressed, is called unilateral training. True to the motto: “Less is more”, this approach assumes that the body cannot use its full strength potential if both halves of the body are stressed at the same time. So it is important to always concentrate on one side. A study by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that activating the core muscles is more effective through unilateral training than through bilateral training. It may sound paradoxical, but growth-stimulating muscle stimuli are also possible with a reduced load. The opponent of the stressed side does not sleep during training; rather, the stabilizing half of the body is also activated and strengthened.

Where does unilateral training come from?

Unilateral concepts have been around since the late 19th century. You’ve probably seen these super-strong men in old photos or in black-and-white films performing in the circus. One of these guys was Eugene Sandow, whose special exercise, the Bent Press, was groundbreaking for unilateral strength training. This places a heavy load on one shoulder. But it requires more than just pure strength: stability and flexibility of the shoulder as well as a solid core are required.

How do advanced athletes train?

Are dumbbells and kettlebells too boring for you in the long run? Then we have some options for the next level: If you are already familiar with unilateral training, you should also work with other weights. Our tip: long or EZ dumbbells . These are usually not only heavier, but the longer bars also make it harder to keep your balance.

More balancing work by stabilizing muscles is necessary, the training effects are significantly greater. Also slow down the pace when performing the exercise – this way you will also improve your body control and the ability to create tension in the torso , which is necessary for many exercises. Exercises such as curls, one-arm rowing or shoulder presses are all ideal for this.

What does a unilateral workout look like?

US trainer Jay T. Maryniak recommends starting with the weaker side. Rest 60 seconds between sets and another 90 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

5 exercises for unilateral training:

1. One-arm kettlebell walk

Stand upright and hold a kettlebell in your right hand at shoulder height. Stick your chest out and keep your upper body straight. In this position, run forward in a controlled manner. Pause for 2 seconds, then go back.

2. Bulgarian Split-Squat in deficit

A. Start in an upright position, one step away from a weight bench. Place the instep of your left foot on the bench. Rest your right foot on a weight plate. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms long, next to your thighs.

B. Lower your hips, bend your right leg until your left knee touches the floor. Push back explosively.

The goal: 4 sets, 8 repetitions per side

3. One-arm floor press

A. Start lying on the floor, bend your legs, place your feet flat. Lift a dumbbell with your right arm, with your left arm stretched out to the side.

B. Lower the dumbbell until your elbow touches the floor. Push the weight back up forcefully.

The goal: 4 sets, 12 repetitions per side

4. Kneeling one-arm shoulder press

A. Right knee on the floor, left leg forward. Hold a kettlebell with a bent arm at head height (ball upwards). Stretch left arm out to the side (keep your balance!).

B. Push the weight up explosively. Use your legs to provide stability. Hold briefly, then lower your arm and return to the starting position.

The goal: 4 sets, 9 repetitions per side

5. X-Plank Rowing

A. Start on the weight bench: left leg with knee and toes on the bench, right leg stretched back, right hand on the edge for support, in the left hand a dumbbell which you hold in a hammer grip on the long arm at bench height.

B. Bend your left arm to 90 degrees and pull the dumbbell upwards. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.

The goal: 4 sets, 10 repetitions per side

One-sided instead of monotonous: Unilateral training offers many advantages, but also presents your body with new challenges. So, leave your ego at home and start with light weights. Instead of lifting a lot of kilos, focus on a clean execution of the exercise to optimally train your balance and stability.



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