The best 18 exercises for more muscles without equipment. 


The best 18 exercises for more muscles without equipment. Building muscle only works with dumbbells? Wrong! Training with your own body weight is more effective than you might think. We show you 18 challenging bodyweight exercises

Do you want a strong, healthy body that you feel good in? It’s easier than you might think. You don’t need expensive fitness equipment or a gym membership – and even time isn’t the deciding factor. The key to a slim, defined body is a balanced diet and effective training with your own body weight. Anyone who thinks that you can’t build muscle without dumbbells and the like will be surprised. You just have to be creative and find alternatives to conventional push-ups or lunges . And the best thing is: you can make almost any bodyweight exercise more challenging. We’ll show you how.

That’s why bodyweight exercises are more effective than you think

During the Corona pandemic and the associated lockdown, we all had to learn how to train without a gym. Some were better at it, others were worse. However, this was not due to a lack of training equipment, but rather to a lack of motivation to get up and exercise at home alone. In this case, however, you don’t necessarily need dumbbells and the like, but rather clear goals, scheduled exercise sessions, perhaps a training partner and definitely the right mindset.

There will always be phases in which muscle training using only your own body weight is the better choice. Especially for (re-)beginners and busy people. Because the most important training lesson is: regularity over volume and intensity. In other words: three tough bodyweight workouts per week will get you further than one weight training session.

In addition, periodization, i.e. a change in training focus every few months, can take your body to a whole new level. Alternating between maximum strength , muscle building and strength endurance training makes sense. Bodyweight exercises offer completely different ways to improve endurance.

Training without equipment not only makes you more athletically capable, but also helps you to deal with everyday challenges. It protects you from injuries and makes you more flexible all around.

Even a short, regular bodyweight workout has been proven to improve cardiopulmonary health and boost your metabolism, as a 2021 study shows.

We have put together the best exercises using only your own body weight, divided into muscle groups. There is a suitable challenge for every training level. For some exercises you need a bar, wall or bench, which you can also find outside in the park.

Make sure you warm up well beforehand, for example with these exercises , and vary or increase the exercises every four weeks to provide new stimuli.

Bodyweight exercises for arms and shoulders

You can’t imagine massive biceps without dumbbells? Then it’s time to help your imagination, because these 5 exercises will make your arms and shoulders burn:

1. Negative push-ups

Push-ups just make you smile wearily? Then try this challenging variation with raised legs: Strengthens your chest, shoulders and triceps. Find out how to do 100 push-ups in 7 weeks here.

Push-ups with feet on the wall



Main region


Exercise steps

  1. Get into a push-up position near a wall. Support yourself with your legs on the wall. The higher your feet are on the wall, the more challenging the exercise. Tighten your core and buttocks.
  2. Bend your arms and lower your upper body to the floor in a controlled manner. The lowest point is when your face is just about to touch the floor. Stretch your arms again and return to the starting position.

2. Dips

Find a bench or other stable place to sit and challenge your triceps and shoulders. As promised: you can always make it harder, even without weights. Lift one leg straight up in the air, then your arms have to do even more lifting.

Dips on increase



Main region

Arms, chest



Exercise steps

  1. Stand with your back to the raised area and support yourself with your hands. Fingers pointing forwards, elbows pointing backwards. Stretch out your legs and place your heels on the floor.
  2. Bend your arms and move your buttocks towards the floor. The lowest point is reached when your upper body and upper arm, as well as your upper and lower arm, are at right angles to each other. Keep your upper body as upright as possible. Stretch your arms and push them back up.

3. Shoulder press

Instead of pushing weights over your head, simply go headfirst towards the floor with your feet raised and push your body weight up from your shoulders until they burn! You can adjust the difficulty by changing the angle.

Shoulder press, reverse



Main region


Exercise steps

  1. Get into the push-up position. Walk with your hands closer to your feet, bend your legs slightly and push your buttocks high up in the air. Your upper body and arms form a straight line and point diagonally downwards. Look at the floor.
  2. Bend your arms as close to your body as possible and slowly lower your face towards the floor. The lowest point is when your forehead almost touches the floor. Keep your upper body at the same angle. Stretch your arms and push them back to the starting position.

4. Pull-ups

The classic exercise shapes the upper back, shoulders and biceps. If you don’t have your own pull-up bar at home, just find a playground or a fitness trail.

Pull-ups with overhand grip



Main region



Pull-up bar

Exercise steps

  1. Grip the pull-up bar with an overhand grip approximately shoulder-width apart.
  2. Start the movement by pulling your shoulder blades down and then pulling up with your arms until your chin is above the bar. Slowly lower again.

5. Walking handstand on the wall

You will always find a wall and can really let off steam on it: whether it’s handstand push-ups or Spiderman-style running up the wall – only cooler because you do it with your legs first:

Handstand, walking – on the wall



Main region

Shoulders, arms

Exercise steps

  1. Get into a push-up position with your feet close to a wall. Support your feet against the wall so that only your hands touch the floor. Tighten your core and buttocks throughout the exercise.
  2. Move your hands closer to the wall. At the same time, walk your feet up the wall.
  3. Walk your upper body as close to the wall as possible to get into a handstand. Move your hands back into the push-up position. This is one repetition.

Strengthening exercises for the core

Almost all amateur athletes neglect rotational movements. Targeted torso rotations and strengthening are extremely important for your mobility, power transmission and statics. The following exercises stabilize your spine, shoulders and hips and thus prevent back pain, for example.

1. Side plank crunches

This requires body tension and uses quite a lot of muscles, especially the core: work slowly and in a controlled manner and stay nice and straight.

Forearm support, sideways – with elbow to knee



Main region


Exercise steps

  1. Get into a forearm plank position on your left side. Place your elbow under your shoulder. Chest faces to the side. Tighten your core so that your body forms a straight line. Stretch your right arm over your head. Lift your right leg into the air.
  2. Bring your right arm and right leg together in the air so that your knee and elbow touch. Return to the starting position. After completing the specified repetitions, go into a side plank position on your right side and bring your left knee and left elbow together.

2. Rollovers

The abdominal roll looks simpler and perhaps a little sillier than it is: If you work here without momentum and with full body tension, you will also feel it.




Main region


Exercise steps

  1. Lie on your stomach on the floor. Stretch out your arms and legs and lift them off the floor so that only your stomach and the upper part of your thighs are touching the floor.
  2. Maintain body tension and turn onto your back without momentum, without arm or leg touching the floor. Turn back to the starting position.

3. Cross leg raises in a hanging position

Exercises the abdomen, especially the obliques, and the legs.

Leg raises, alternate – on pull-up bar crosswise



Main region



Pull-up bar

Exercise steps

  1. Grip the pull-up bar with an overhand grip approximately shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull the left knee towards the right chest and lower it again. Then pull the right knee towards the left chest and lower it again. Repeat alternately.

4. Arm and leg raises in support

Quadrupedal stance with alternating arm and leg raises



Main region


Exercise steps

  1. Get into a quadruped position, knees under hips, shoulders over wrists. Raise your knees slightly so that only your hands and the balls of your feet touch the floor. Tighten your core.
  2. Lift your left hand off the floor and stretch it forward, keeping your torso stable. Hold the position briefly. Return to the starting position.
  3. Lift your right foot off the floor and extend your right leg behind you. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your right arm and then your left leg. That’s one repetition.

You have to find that much balance first: It is not for nothing that this exercise is one of the most popular in physiotherapy, after all, it strengthens your body control and core like no other.

5. Folding knife in support

As a change from the jackknife while lying on your back, you can turn over and push your stomach, back, shoulders and chest. If you don’t have an exercise ball, you can also use a bench and bring your torso towards your legs.

Folding knife, reverse – on Swiss Ball



Main region



Swiss Ball

Exercise steps

  1. Place your shins on the Swiss ball and get into a push-up position. Tighten your buttocks and core so that your body forms a straight line.
  2. Move the Swiss Ball with your feet towards your hands, stretch your buttocks as high in the air as possible. Legs remain stretched. The lower and upper body form a triangle. Hold briefly. Return to the starting position.

Body strength exercises for strong legs

Lunges and squats without weights don’t appeal to you? Then it’s time to rethink! We’ll show you how to make your legs burn without any frills. Lots of repetitions of these challenging, functional bodyweight exercises are ideal for this:

1. Step-ups with backward lunges

Challenge your thighs and glutes as well as your coordination with speed. All you need is a wall or bench.

Step-ups with backward lunges



Main region

Butt, legs



Exercise steps

  1. Stand in front of a weight bench. Place your right foot on the weight bench.
  2. Climb completely onto the weight bench with your right leg. Bend your left leg and bring your left knee in front of your chest.
  3. First step off the weight bench with your left leg, then your right leg. Take a backward lunge with your left leg. Stay at the same point with your right leg. Bend your knee and squat down. The lowest point is when your left knee touches the floor. Straighten your knee and return to an upright position. After completing the specified repetitions, step onto the weight bench with your left leg, bring your right knee to your chest and begin the lunge on the floor with your right foot.

2. Squat long jumps

Define your calves, thighs and buttocks. You can vary between a narrow and wide stance. Squat as deeply as possible at the bottom and then push yourself off powerfully. Always land gently and in a controlled manner.

Long jumps, wide



Main region

Butt, legs

Exercise steps

  1. Stand wider than shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and lean your upper body forward. Bring your arms back to gain momentum.
  2. Stretch your knees and hips. Bring your arms forward and jump as high and far as possible.
  3. Land with both feet. Bend your knees to cushion the impact. Turn around and jump back.

3. Lunges with arms raised

Technique instead of mass: Work on your posture and true body tension. Your legs, buttocks and core will thank you.

Squats with arms overhead



Main region

Legs, shoulders

Exercise steps

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your feet slightly outwards. Stretch your arms vertically above your head. Tighten your core.
  2. Get into a deep squat. Hold your arms above your head. Keep your upper body as upright as possible. Point your knees towards your toes. Stretch your hips and knees and return to an upright position.

4. Single leg hip raise

Raising your pelvis or hips requires the entire posterior chain. As an alternative to the one-legged version, you can also place both feet on a wobbly medicine or exercise ball or place books or other heavy objects on your pelvis. Your bottom stays just above the ground and is not put down.

Hip raises, one-legged



Main region

Legs, butt

Exercise steps

  1. Lie on your back. Bend your left leg and stretch out your right leg. Place your arms next to your body for stability.
  2. Lift your buttocks off the floor and tighten them. Tighten your core as well so that your upper body and right leg form a straight line.

5. Stand scale

The standing balance trains your core muscles and also strengthens the posterior muscle chain, i.e. the back of the legs, buttocks and lower back. Want a challenge? Then close your eyes! Or put a resistance band under your knee and a bar and then actively push your standing knee outwards.

Stand scale



Main region

Legs, stomach, back

Exercise steps

  1. Stand upright and shift your weight onto your left foot. Lean your upper body forward and lift your right foot backwards. Look at the floor and keep your core tense throughout the exercise.
  2. Lean your upper body forward and take your right leg with you so that your upper body and right leg form a line. Stretch your right arm forward in the same line. Hold this position briefly. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner. After completing the specified repetitions, shift your weight to your right foot, stretch your left leg back and your right arm forward.

Full body exercises without equipment

For all those who have very little time for training or who want a nice fat-burning finisher after the previous exercises, here are the top full-body exercises without any equipment.

1. Burpees

Of course, the hated classic among the whole-body bodyweight exercises should not be missing from any collection. It really requires all the major muscle groups and a lot of strength endurance.




Main region

Full body

Exercise steps

  1. From an upright standing position, get into the push-up position by placing your hands on the floor and jumping backwards with your feet.
  2. Tighten your core and buttocks so that your body forms a straight line. Perform push-ups. The lowest point is when your chest touches the floor.
  3. Straighten your arms and lift your upper body off the ground. Jump off the ground with both feet and land as close to your hands as possible.
  4. Push off the ground with force using your legs. Jump as high into the air as possible, stretching your arms vertically above your head. Land with both legs in an upright position.

2. Upright quadruped stance with kick

It looks elegant like a yoga exercise and actually gives you more strength and flexibility, so be sure to try it:

Quadrupedal position, turned up – with kick



Main region

Full body

Exercise steps

  1. Get into a quadruped position, knees under hips, shoulders over wrists. Raise your knees so that only your hands and the balls of your feet are touching the floor. Tighten your core.
  2. Turn your upper body to the left. Stretch your right leg to the left and raise your left hand towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position. This is one repetition. Repeat the movement on the right side.

3. Bear Walk

Would you like to have strong arms, shoulders, legs and a belly that is anything but cuddly? Then hold out for a minute in the bear crawl.

You can only achieve definition with the right diet!

Bear Walk



Main region

Full body

Exercise steps

  1. Get into a quadruped position. Raise your knees so that only your hands and toes touch the floor.
  2. Now move forward. To do this, place your left foot and right hand, or your right foot and left hand, alternately forward. After half of the repetition, move backwards back to the starting position.

Short but regular training with your own body weight increases your performance in sports and in everyday life and definitely helps you progress. You should also definitely consider these bodyweight exercises for the whole body when traveling or after a long illness. The 18 exercises form a solid foundation. If you want to go one step further and get fit all around, get our highly effective bodyweight training plan straight away.



How to do 100 push-ups in 7 weeks. 

Kettlebell training will help you properly load your entire body

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