How to reduce your risk of developing diabetes.


How to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. The number one widespread disease is life-threatening: Diabetes strikes without any warning and even threatens slim people. This is how you defend yourself

Homemade cookies, gingerbread, dominoes… Hmmm, especially at Christmas time, there are lots of sugary treats to tempt you. Many of us gain weight over the holidays. That would be OK from a health perspective if we slowly lost weight again afterwards and ate healthily and low in sugar for the rest of the year. And paid attention to our 6 prevention strategies (see below).

But unfortunately, that is usually not the case. Evidence of this: Around 246 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. By 2025, the number is expected to rise to 380 million. And it doesn’t just affect older people: diabetes patients are getting younger and younger. It can affect anyone, even young, slim people! But everyone can also do a lot to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Over 90 percent of diabetes patients suffer from type 2 diabetes . This is insulin resistance in the body. Insulin is the blood sugar-sending hormone in the body, which is still produced in those affected, but can no longer reach the cells sufficiently. As a result, the sugar builds up in the vessels.

What are the consequences of diabetes?

Those affected must receive lifelong medical treatment, measure their blood sugar several times a day and always pay attention to their diet. And yet they are at risk of early heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, blindness and foot amputations. The causes of type 2 diabetes are genetic, but lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet and obesity contribute significantly to the outbreak of the disease.

Type 1 diabetics lack the hormone insulin completely. They usually become ill in childhood and have to inject insulin daily for the rest of their lives. Unlike type 2 diabetics, they cannot prevent the disease from breaking out.

What symptoms indicate diabetes mellitus?

There are physical signs that indicate diabetes: extreme thirst, frequent urination, constant tiredness, visual disturbances, increased susceptibility to infections, poor wound healing. The problem: these symptoms are relatively non-specific and can have other causes. Tip: if you experience them over a longer period of time, you should have your family doctor do a blood sugar test.

6 effective tips to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

1. Eating regularly keeps blood sugar levels constant

Continuous food intake prevents blood sugar levels from dropping. Light snacks like a handful of nuts between meals help to keep the level at a constant level. Excessive fluctuations in blood sugar cause feelings of hunger and lead to uncontrolled eating attacks.

2. Whole grain products ensure a moderate increase in blood sugar

Industrially processed grain products contain a large amount of short-chain carbohydrates, which quickly enter the bloodstream. Wholemeal bread, on the other hand, has a lot of fiber, i.e. long-chain carbohydrates, which ensure that food stays in the stomach and intestines for longer and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. The blood sugar level only rises slowly.

3. Avoid being overweight to relieve the pancreas

The fat cells of overweight people produce more of the hunger-signaling hormone leptin. Leptin and insulin work together to control hunger and energy metabolism. If the fat cells secrete a lot of leptin, the pancreas automatically produces less insulin. This could be a reason for the development of type 2 diabetes in obese people. That’s why losing weight is the top priority!

4. Reduce stress to keep adrenaline at bay

Stress triggers the release of the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline in the adrenal cortex. This leads to an increased release of glucose from the body’s carbohydrate stores. In people with impaired glucose tolerance, this results in an increased blood sugar level. Only completely healthy people are able to react to the blood sugar flood with increased absorption into the muscle cells.

5. Exercise to reduce blood sugar levels

With 150 minutes of exercise per week – 30 minutes on 5 days – you can outrun sugar. Muscle work stimulates the cells to absorb glucose from the blood. Even in people who already suffer from diabetes, insulin sensitivity can be increased with sufficient exercise.

6. Give up cigarettes to avoid lowering insulin sensitivity

Smoking increases the risk of type 2 by 44 percent. Nicotine and other ingredients reduce insulin sensitivity. Stop it!

Conclusion: You can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

If you follow these 6 tips, you will not only significantly reduce your personal risk of type 2 diabetes. You will also minimize the risk of developing cancer. You will also increase your potency and endurance. So what are you waiting for? Start living a healthier life today!


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