Pumping: a complex that will load your muscles well even with light dumbbells.


Pumping: a complex that will load your muscles well even with light dumbbells. A great option for home workouts. It can be difficult to hit large muscle groups properly when working out at home, especially if you only have light dumbbells. Luckily, you can make your exercises more challenging without buying extra equipment.

This routine makes simple movements like lunges, push-ups, and rows much more effective by using a long eccentric phase, pulsating, and being performed on one leg.

You can do this workout with the lightest fitness dumbbells and still get a good workout for your shoulders, hips, and core.

How to perform the workout

Do the following exercises the indicated number of times:

  • Pulsing lunges forward and backward – 20 times.
  • Negative push-up with row – 10 reps.
  • Side lunge with one leg step out – 10 times in each direction.
  • Single-leg glute bridge press – 10 reps on each side.
  • Squat pulse and chest pull – 10 times.

Perform the exercises in a row, resting for a minute between them. After finishing the last one, repeat from the beginning. Do three circles.

How to do exercises

Forward and Backward Pulsing Lunges

Take the dumbbells in your hands, lunge with your right leg, slightly leaning your body forward, but keeping your back straight. Immediately do one pulse – an up-and-down movement in a small range.

After this, rise up and immediately, without stopping, lunge back with your right leg and pulse.

Due to additional squats and non-stop leg changes, the muscles do not have time to relax, quickly become clogged and receive a good stimulus for growth.

Negative Push-Up with Pull

Get into a push-up position with dumbbells. Within 3-4 seconds, lower yourself into a push-up position, smoothly bending your elbows. Make sure your back remains straight and your abs are tense.

Then, snap out of the push-up and perform a dumbbell row to your chest, raising your right and left arm in turn. Repeat from the beginning.

Side lunge with one leg step out

Take dumbbells in your hands and perform a side lunge. Bend your body, keeping your back straight, lower your straight arms down, as if you are going to do a deadlift.

With a sharp movement, come out of the lunge and lift your right leg up, bending it at the knee. At the same time, bend your arms at the elbows and lift the dumbbells to shoulder level.

Lower yourself back into a side lunge with your torso bent. Continue in the same manner.

Single Leg Glute Bridge Press

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Take dumbbells in your hands and hold them near your shoulders.

Lift your pelvis so that your body from your shoulder blades to your knees is in one line. Then lift one leg, resting on the heel of the other, tighten your buttocks and fix the position.

Without putting your foot on the floor, perform 10 dumbbell presses. Move smoothly and under control – this will help to better load your arms and chest.

Rest a bit, switch legs in the glute bridge and repeat.

Squat Pulse and Chest Pull

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, hold the dumbbells in your bent arms next to your shoulders, and squat down as deeply as you can.

Make sure your heels don’t come off the floor and your back stays straight. Then pulse in a small range and straighten up completely.

Bend your body forward, keeping your back straight, and stretch your arms down. Do a pull of two dumbbells to your chest, return to the starting position and start over.

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Pumping: Kettlebell Workout for a Beautiful and Toned Body

Pump Up: An Outdoor Workout That Will Give Your Legs and Abs.

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